Mortality Protection

Idaho's #1 Resource For Physician Related Asset Protection & Insurances.

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Why Mortality Protection?

Life… the greatest gift known to man. Time… the most valuable commodity on the planet.

When yours runs out, what type of financial legacy do you want to leave?

If you died today, your current and future income will cease. How long would it take for your remaining finances to fade? How long could your loved ones not only survive but maintain the standard of accustomed living your high earnings provided? And YES, your debts STILL must be paid.

Mortality Protection (more commonly known as Life Insurance) is the foundation and cornerstone of future financial peace. It is the most cost-effective means to transfer substantial wealth.

At Treasure Valley Physicians Insurance, we create individualized life insurance strategies allowing clients to be sure their families can meet these obligations without having to sell assets. Your life is worth more than you know. The BEST time to review everything was yesterday, the second-best time is today. On behalf of everyone you love, please don’t wait until it’s too late.