Income Protection

Idaho's #1 Resource For Physician Related Asset Protection & Insurances.

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Why Income Replacement Protection?

The answer is found in several questions… Would you provide 15-20% of protection on your car? Would you provide 25% of replacement coverage on your home? Why are you providing such a fractional amount on the very pillar of your financial future?

Group Disability Insurance typically provides 15-20% of income replacement for highly compensated individuals and often is limited to 2-3 years of coverage. High Limit Disability Insurance often provides up to 60-70%. Do you have enough coverage? Is it “own or any occupation” protection? Do you even know?

At Treasure Valley Physicians Insurance we partner with industry leaders which specialize in underwriting high-income professionals, providing limits of coverage that will remove the threat of a major change of lifestyle should you no longer be able to perform.

The peace of mind in knowing that your family can maintain your standard of living, rather than trying to figure out how you are going to make ends meet is PRICELESS. Since so much of your time is devoted to producing the income that provides for your essentials and lifestyle, doesn’t it make sense to protect it?

Do you currently have a Salary Continuation Plan? Is your Salary Continuation Plan current and up to date? If your answer to both is not a definitive “YES” let’s begin the discussion today… don’t delay.